I moved to Nashville in 2001, and have been blessed to make some wonderful friends. After moving from a house in Florida, to an apartment in Nashville, I missed being able to entertain groups of friends simply due to lack of space. When I finally decided to make Nashville my home and buy a house here, I wanted a space that friends could gather and socialize in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The basement in my new house, which opens into the back yard made the perfect space, so JohnMichael's Pub was born. It is made to resemble an Irish style pub to give the atmosphere of a local community pubs in Ireland, but of course it is not a true "Pub" (Public house) since it private place for my friends to gather.

Recently, I started thinking the "Pub" needed a logo of sorts and some "Pub" accessories like shirts, coasters, etc... So I created a cafe press store. Click the cafe press link below or use the drop menu above to check it out.

I also created a blog for the pub. You can use the dropdown menu above to get there or use the link at the bottom of this page. I will atempt to keep it up with recipes, discussions on various events in the area and other things that strike my fancy. Please check it out. Your comments will help keep me motivated to post more. You can also email me from the "view my complete profile" page there. I also recently added an online discussion forum and a guest book, both available from the link below or from the dropdown above.
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